Sowing and Planting in the vegetable garden

In the seedbed, kept in a warm environment or under glass the following are planted: cabbages, onions, aubergines, sweet peppers, celery.
In January you can sow and plant the following: broad beans, half height and climbing peas.
Can also be planted: asparagus roots, i artichokes and spring onions and bulbs.

Sowing and Planting in the garden

In the seedbed, kept in a warm environment or under glass the following are planted: begonies, calendula, chinese carnation, gloxinie (bulbs), pansy wallflower.
Can also be planted: lilies of the valley, rosebushes and shrubs, if the soil is not frozen.

Harvesting of vegetables

In January, in the vegetable garden, you can harvest: chard, carrot, cabbage, Brussel sprout, kale, cauliflower, chicory, curly endivia, endivia escarole, fennel, lettuce, leek, parsley, wild radish, turnip, spinach, valerian.

Chores in the vegetable garden and the garden

January is the ideal month to remove the old branches and shorten the green and robust ones;dig the area intended for the new lawn or for partial refurbishments, eliminating weeds, especially the taproot species and to prepare and fertilize the flower beds for plantingspring bulbs.

Treatments in the Orchard

Treat fruit trees against fungal diseases (Peach leaf curl).

Read the article on the importance of the moon phases in sowing: "How important are the phases of the moon for sowing in the vegetable garden?"

Chores to do in the vineyard

The vineyard does not like standing water. Controllate la pulizia dei fossi. Take advantage of this month to restore the piling, repair the wires and consolidate the row heads. Be careful not to be hasty in starting pruning.

Work to be done in the cellar

In Januarythe decanting of the wine beginsand the fillings of the wine vessels are checked to prevent the arrival of the "fioretta"